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The workshop and all that followed:

overwhelming resume, enrollment in a new training course and

a better, more self-identified and confident feeling in general

“It was a great opportunity to be in an environment where unknown people support and strengthen each other. It brought to the surface things that I will definitely use in the future.”

“Thank you very much for the sincere attention and personalized positive evaluation that everyone received from you. I am glad that by the end of the day, we have become a small team of such different, strangers, with a good mood helping each other!”

During our conversation before the workshop, our participant, who was still shy, told us with uncertainty that she might want to train herself in another field. Two days after the workshop, she was happy to inform me that she had enrolled in the school, setting a new direction for her career and she is full of plans. Our other participant came to us with the goal of how to present her professional background in a clear, pleasant-looking resume. After two days, a completely unique, easy-to-understand, well-structured and concise, to-the-point CV was waiting in my mailbox, which radiates the confident background and values ​​of its owner. I received thank you letters about how the participants’ self-image has changed, how differently they see their strengths and how valuable they really are.

A fantastic team, participants with completely different backgrounds, expertise and ambitions, this is how our workshop started. We were able to welcome mums who are returning to the labor market after 2-4 children, men changing careers who want to give more meaning to their daily work, or entrepreneurs who are looking for renewal in their business. However, they all had one thing in common: they wanted it. They wanted to understand themselves, get to know and become aware of their values, they wanted to be better than they were yesterday, so that they could start towards an even more successful tomorrow.


What happened at the workshop?

After arrival and a playful introduction, the self-knowledge part of the day began. During the morning, through individual tasks, the participants could think about what their professional life had given them up to that point. They listed their successes, competencies, and expertise in different forms. It may seem obvious, but when you grab a pen and a piece of paper to go through them, spending enough time, it’s not that simple anymore. In the meantime, the strengths expressed by the participants kept accumulating, one flipchart paper was filled, then another. By the time we got to the afternoon, everyone had a more accurate picture of themselves:

  • what am I good at?
  • what can I really be proud of?
  • what did it give me?
  • where do I want to go in my career?

In the next part of the day, we focused on how we can authentically represent these values ​​in a resume, in a job interview, or even to our clients. We recorded the performances of the participants on video for themselves, analyzed them and gave continuous feedback. We held face-to-face conversations with the participants so that we could support them in a more targeted and precise manner in the implementation of their individual plans. And the process didn’t end there. In the near future we will have an individual online conversation with everyone, where we will see where they are in their plans, if there are any obstacles and we will support them in their way forward. Because we believe in personalization, in uniqueness and in the individual values.


“It was very useful to push my limits of the comfort zone”

“A massive day with a lot of information. As much as I was afraid of it, I felt so good. It was interesting to listen to different people’s feedback and different points of view. I will be able to use what I heard here.”

“The workshop was very informative, I learned and experienced a lot, thank you for the opportunity!”

Kata nagyon gyakorlatorientált. A barátja bármilyen eszköz. Anélkül, hogy ő mondta volna el a megoldást, velem mondatta ki a dolgokat. Lehozza a problémát a földre, ezáltal nem megoldhatatlan már, lehet vele dolgozni és Kata tud vele erősíteni. Az eszközök használatával, mint egy „médium” közelebb hozza a helyzetet és ezáltal a megoldást.
Beszélgetéseinkből Katával egyértelműen érződött, hogy már régóta foglalkozik, kommunikál emberekkel. Benne van a „power”. Rádiós, búgó hangját mindig lehet érteni, hogy mit akar mondani. Arányosan, szépen ír. Aki szépen ír, annak a fejében is rend van.
Felnézek Katára a határozottsága miatt, céltudatos, tudja, mit akar. Azt érzem, hogy megvan vele a biztonság, meg tudok nyílni neki.
édesanya és vállalkozó
Mikor Katával beszélgettünk olyan volt, mint egy laza, kötetlen diskurzus, aztán hirtelen kérdez egy olyat, amitől megáll a levegő és ami tényleg nagyon releváns és elgondolkodtató. Megdöbbentő volt számomra, hogy mennyire beleérezte magát a helyzetembe és ráérzett azokra a kritikus/fontos pontokra, amin muszáj volt elgondolkodnom.
gyógyszeripari munkatárs
Imádom Kata hírolvasó hangját. Nagyon határozottnak tartom, aki mellett biztonságban érzem magam.
lovas edző
"Szuper lehetőség volt egy olyan közegben, ahol ismeretlen emberek támogatják és erősítik egymást. Felszínre hozott olyan dolgokat, amiknek biztosan hasznát fogom venni a továbbiakban."
Workshop résztvevő
Magabiztos visszatérés a munka világába
"Nagyon hasznos volt a komfortzóna határát feszegetni"
Workshop résztvevő
Magabiztos visszatérés a munka világába
"Masszív nap, rengeteg infóval. Amennyire féltem tőle, annyira jól éreztem magam. Érdekes volt különböző emberek visszacsatolását és különböző nézőpontokat hallgatni. Tudom majd hasznosítani az itt hallottakat."
Workshop résztvevő
Magabiztos visszatérés a munka világába
"Nagyon tartalmas volt a workshop, rengeteget tanultam, tapasztaltam, köszönöm a lehetőséget!”
Workshop résztvevő
Magabiztos visszatérés a munka világába

Lépj velem kapcsolatba!

Workshopra jelentkeznél? Esetleg a coaching érdekel? Vagy egyéb kérdésed lenne? Fordulj hozzám bizalommal az alábbi kapcsolati űrlap segítségével!

Dömötör Kata
  • katalin.domotor@vivida.hu
  • +36 70 679 5599
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